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The Comic

What is the comic about?

It is a superhero comic, one that is set in an alternate future year of 2042. A mix of fantasy, mythology (stay tuned to see how) and futuristic tech, it also contains humor and mature content. It can be graphic during fights and it will also contain some explicit mature content. As such, the term "yaoi" is used as a precaution to advise readers on the maturity of the content.


What is the plot like?

The protagonists are youths aged between 18 to 24, striving in a world left partially in ruins and where heroics are treated with some contempt. In 2013, a catastrophic war between the heroes and villains then occurred, and sadly, the heroes suffered a devastating defeat. Many of the villains have now infiltrated the gove- ah! Now I am giving away too much info!


How did the idea come to be?

I have always been interested in superheroes and the world of mythology. Since 10 years ago, the concept of a group of young heroes came to my mind, and I started crafting the plot and the designs. The original idea was having the boys to be offsprings of famous heroes in both the Marvel and DC Universe.


But the actual concrete plan came to fruition only about 5 years ago, when I decided to go all out and incorporated the ideas of superhero fantasy with mythology fantasy. Massive! As such, I had to totally revamp their beginnings, and cut off all ties with popular canon heroes. That's how YForce was born.


How did it start?

It started with lots of writing and sketching! Of course, it also officially started when I found my absolutely fabulous partner, doubleleaf, who's doing a great job on the art!


Are your comics just for gay people?

Once again I would have to remind readers. This comic is not solely a sexual work. It will have mature content, but there are many other plots revolving around social issues, heroics as well as mythology. As such, no! Although some of the characters are gays, with the storyline, I believe that guys and gals alike will be interested in the comic.


Since it's yaoi...?

Definitely there will be explicit sex scenes, but that doesn't mean you will see it everywhere. I tend to have an all-rounded plot, so you will find humor, tension, suspense and drama. It's what makes the world go round anyway. But since it contains sex, it is definitely nsfw and minors.


How frequent will the updates be?

As of now, the plan is for a weekly update on Saturdays 10 am (GMT+8).


How long will the comic run for?

As long as it can be. Serious. As for now, I do not have a clear defined "ending", so it's hard to tell you how many chapters there will be. With that many years of writing and sketching, I have to admit I do have lots of different plots.


As such, it will be a waste for me to cut off that much content, especially when I will incorporate it with the mythological side. Therefore, the end will come when I find a good ending arc. But for now, just enjoy.


Can I do some fanart or fanfiction on your characters?

Of course! Please do! It is my pleasure, and honor, that they have enamored you much for you to want to do that!


How can I show you my creations, then?

Please! Do share your creations with everyone! If you are a member of y!Gallery or deviantART, please, do put a link to my account and the webcomic site, if you are posting your fanart there.


You can also submit your fanart to my tumblr, or even send me a nudge by using our Contact service on this website!


​​Would you share the fanart?

If you would allow me to, and give me a link to credit you, of course I would!


Can I use your art for something I am doing, or as references?

If you would credit both the creator (me!) and the artist, feel free to do so!

The Boys

Firstly, why are they all boys?

Before you call me a sexist, I would like to clarify that when I first did my stories 10 years ago, they were all already boys, simply because I could relate to them better, as well as other reasons. As they are my own fantasies, my ideas and my dream, I would love to let them all remain as boys.


However, to make my comic not too one-sided, I have added characters who are ladies, and a couple of them will be important characters, ranked after the boys! So, keep a look out for them!


So, why 12?

If you guys have been following my art in y!Gallery or deviantART, you will know that there is a reason why there are 12 boys. Each hero encompasses a different "element", which I will not type out here. Follow the comics for the revelation, or simply go to my art pages linked up there, to find out!


Are they all gays?

Sadly, no. A handful of them are, but not all.


How unique are they and their powers?

All my characters, not only the boys, are very interesting. They come from varied backgrounds, have different stories behind them and they are simply a bunch of boys full of character, personality and emotions! Blame it on hormones!


But sadly, in terms of powers, maybe not so. There are too many superheroes out there, and it would be very hard to come up with a unique power that no one has ever thought of. However, I have made combinations and experimented with some tweaks here and there, and with their unique costumes, they would stand out and hopefully, you will remember who's who by the end of Chapter 1.


Why the age range of 18 to 24?

Personally, I feel that this particular age range is a huge learning curve for most people, if not all. Struggling with the problems of being an adolescent, coupled with becoming a man, crossing over from being a student to a workforce drone; there's just so much drama to be had in these turbulent ages.


What is your policy on fan creations?

1. Do respect that all rights on the characters and stories belong to me. As such, kindly credit the fan creations as below:

The YForce stories and characters by HiroJo.​

The Yforce character art by doubleleaf.​

© HiroJo 2014-2019. All Rights Reserved.


2. No fanart should be used in monetary exchanges. That is to say, do not create fanart for the purpose of selling it, or even printing it as posters, on shirts or any other material. If you like to commission someone to draw the boys, feel free to do so, but I would highly encourage you to get doubleleaf to do that, for who else would do 100% likeness than the original artist herself?


3. As mentioned, I have had at least 5 to 10 years in crafting out my stories before drafting them out to be plots in the comic. Therefore, if any pages come up later that seemed to be very similar to someone's fanfiction on YForce, I would appreciate it if you don't start branding me as a idea stealer. I believe that a singular plot can be thought of by different people. As such, do respect the rights of the creator and the artist when creating fanfiction, for in the first place, you are using our characters for your own creation! :)


I have my own site promoting comics. Can I share your pages on my site?

I am honored that you love YForce so much that you want to promote the comic for me. However, I would say no to that.


As YForce already has its own site, I would like everyone to respect the copyrights of the creator and the artist. However, I would encourage you to ask me for banners (coming soon!) or simply put a link on your site to promote the comic and have your readers come to the main site, instead of putting up my pages.


I created this comic so that I can share my love for superheroes and mythology with everyone. I am a self-employed person and am paying for every single page of this comic. Even for magazine articles, reprinting an article would require some form of copyright fee. Would you like me to charge you then?

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