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yforce chapter 1 page 22

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

That has to be one of the most gorgeous doors ever! Marble? Stone? No idea, but you don't even have to scratch your head in thinking who could possibly be living behind that door!


But why would Joseph need to speak to the Matriarch?


You all have been asking for it, that Joseph needs to spend more time with the other members! So there you have it...who better to spend a lazy evening with...well, talking that is, than the resident alpha male, Raphael? But seems like there is a language barrier somewhere...hehehe...


Will the "emergency exercise" be revealed? Check it out next week!


Aaaaand...Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you guys had a wonderful and very thankful reunion with your family and friends! Remember, it isn't all about turkey and mash, but giving thanks! :)

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