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Chapter 2: The Call of Tides

Uh-oh...this page seems darker, way darker, than our usual pages, and that can mean only one's not about our boys! Well, not directly.


Finally, we get a glimpse of the baddie. Is he the antagonist? Who is he exactly, and why is he so against YForce? Hmmm...


Also, it is time to give thanks to our supporters over at Patreon! (Sorry guys, things are getting more hectic here at home, so do pardon me for the short and simplified Wall of Thanks this month)


Buddy Tier ($10/month)

Dracon Ra (35 months)

Anderbear (4 months)


Fun Pack Tier ($5/month)

Laura (28 months)

Chronicle (27 months)

Tame (23 months)

Koe-chou (23 months)

Ven (17 months)

Daniel (12 months)

Per-Arne (9 months)

Vas (7 months)

Mark ($6) (6 months)

Azriel (3 months)


Basic Tier ($2/month)

Avkun ($3) (35 months)

Cyd Sabin (28 months)

Last ($3) (24 months)

Quart (18 months)

Token (5 months)

Suze (3 months)

Draegon (3 months)

David (2 months)


We welcome David, who is our newest supporter! If you are reading this, David, do remember to check your inbox on how to retrieve your rewards for your support!


Thank you guys for all your love. 2017 ended on a bad note for myself. I haven't been working for a couple of months now, and with what's happening in the family, it is really quite depressing. However, I really take heart that you guys have continued to shower me with encouragement, kind words and love. Your interest for YForce really amazed me and I will continue to do this because of FORCESOME readers like you guys. Thank you for the love in 2017 and here's to a WONDERFUL 2018!


Happy New Year YForcers!

Support us over @ Patreon! ^^

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