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YForce Chapter 3: Of Fire And Ice - The way to a man's heart is through his stomach...PASS!

Chapter 3: Of Fire And Ice

There can be a million reasons why someone is happy, but I am sure there's only one reason for Takeru right now. Have you ever seen those eyes of his go so round before? Well, actually you did, Page 12 when he was looking at skimpy speedo clad Edison.


I would have this reaction too, if the boy I have a crush on finally took notice of me. So...has Takeru's heart moved on? Is he crushing on Edison right now?


It's February! And for longtime readers, you would know that I celebrate the Lunar New Year! In just a few days' time, it would be the Year of the Pig (or Boar, whichever you prefer)! Woohoo! But do not worry my dear YForcers, I will not be taking a break during this festive season. You will still get your uploads!


There is, however, a matter I will have to inform you guys about. I will be going for a surgery on the 19th of February. I will do my best to prepare the upload for the that week before my op, but at this very moment, I have no idea if I need to be hospitalized and if I do, how long I will be hospitalized for. As such, I cannot guarantee that the upload will be published successfully. I also have no idea how long I will need to recover, but the moment I have these information, I will let you guys know. As much as possible, I do not wish for the comic to be interrupted further, so I will do my best to keep uploads coming. So, keep your fingers crossed!

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